Benefit profiles should be prepared for each benefit that underpins a project/program approved business case.

The purpose of the benefit profile is to describe the benefit in more detail, define the uplift and articulate how the project/program will measure and report on its progress. 

Each benefit profile will provide governing bodies with the following:

  • Description of the improvement to UQ upon realisation
  • Identification of individuals and positions responsible and accountable for delivery of the benefit
  • Clarity of outputs and outcomes required to enable the benefit.
  • Benefit measurement and reporting 

This guide is to be used to assist in the completion of the PGO Benefit Profile template.



Field NameField Description
Benefit TitleBrief title of benefit being provided
Benefit Type

The type of benefit that UQ will realise

  • Tangible
  • Intangible
  • Dis-benefit
Benefit IDProvided by PGO. e.g.  PROJ_VRT_00000_BFT_01_01
Project Number Generated by ProTRAC. e.g. PROJ_VRT_00000
Primary Classification
  • Reputation
  • Ranking
  • Performance
  • Capabilities
Secondary Classification
  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Asset/Resources
  • Financial
  • People
  • Systems
  • Engagement & Relationships
  • Culture
  • Compliance
  • Sustainability
  • Capacity
  • Processes
  • Governance
  • Controls
  • Risk Management
  • Resilience
  • Publications
Profile Completed By (Position and Name)Position and Name of the individual who has responsibility for completing the profile
Benefit Priority (prioritised by Governing Body)

The priority (1-5) of the benefit as prioritised by the governing body.

 1 (high) - 5 (low).  This may be used to inform scope decisions during the course of the initiative etc.

Planned Delivery DateDate the benefit is expected to be realised.
Financial Benefit The quantified financial benefit expected upon successful realisation of the benefit.
Person Responsible for Realising Benefit

Position and name of the individual responsible for realising the benefit

e.g. Bert Smith, Project Manager

Person Accountable for Realising Benefit

Position and name of individual accountable for realising the benefit.

E.g. Ernie Doe, Division Director



Field NameField Description/Guidance
Benefit DescriptionBrief summary of the benefit that showcases why this initiative is attractive, meets business objectives and and how it can provide a step-change for UQ.
Strategic AlignmentBriefly describe how this benefit profile is linked to UQ's Strategic Plan 2022-2025.
BeneficiariesList the beneficiaries who will be impacted once realisation has occurred. Indicate those stakeholders who will benefit from the improvement or be affected adversely by a disbenefit).
Dis-benefitsA disadvantage as a result of pursuing the benefit.


BENEFIT MEASUREMENT AND TRACKING (measurements should be unique to each profile)

Field NameField Description/Guidance
Benefit measure/indicatorDescription of the measurement. 
BaselineThe current state/starting value from which measurement will commence
Target Value / Planned ImprovementThe future state/target value expected upon realisation of the benefit
Due Date for ImprovementTarget date when improvement can be expected
Tracking - FrequencyThe frequency of how progress will be tracked.
Tracking - Responsibility Individual responsible for tracking progress of the benefit



Field NameField Description/Guidance
UQ Strategic Objectives / USMG Level KPISUQ Strategic Plan 2022-2025 / USET Level KPI or Division/Department.   
BaselineThe current state/starting value from which measurement will commence
Planned Improvement to Objective or KPIThe future state/target value expected upon realisation of the benefit
Due Date for ImprovementTarget date when improvement can be expected



Field NameField Description/Guidance
Output / Capability / Outcome DescriptionAre there any prerequisites for realising the benefits? Describe the output / capability / outcome that is required to realise the benefit. Without these established, the benefit won't be capable of realisation.
Due Date for DeliveryProvide the date of when the output / capability / outcome is due for delivery.
Person Responsible for DeliveryIndividual and position of responsible officer providing requirement.
Project Ref  (If applicable)Provide the project phase and/or project reference ID if dependency outside this initiative is required.



Field NameField Description/Guidance
Nature and Magnitude of Change RequiredBriefly describe the nature and magnitude of the change required to realise the benefits. e.g. System delivery, process training, policy etc.
Change Management StrategyMake reference to the Change Management Strategy artefact that provides detail on how the change will be executed.
Person Responsible for Change MangementIdentify the person who is responsible for the change. If this is a project role, provide a secondary name of an individual within operations who will take carriage of the change requirements to realise the benefits.



Field NameField Description/Guidance
Risk to realising benefitBriefly describe the risks that could prevent the benefit from being realised.
Level of Risk (Extreme, High, Medium, Low)Refer to ERMF
Controls to Manage the RiskBriefly desribe the controls in place 
Person Responsible for Managing RiskIndividual and position of responsible officer providing requirement.



Field NameField Description/Guidance
Review Date / CycleDates when formal review of the benefit profiled will take place
Review Objective and ScopeThe objective and scope of the review and how outputs and outcomes to date are contributing to the benefit to be realised. 
Reviewer Name and PositionName and position of individual responsible for undertaking the review.