The Project Governance Office is currently in the process of moving their induction course Project Governance Policies, Procedures & Systems Training to online delivery via Workday. Please check back for regular updates.

Please contact the Project Governance Office with any queries or training requests.

ProTRAC Resources

ProTRAC is UQ's Project Portfolio Management System and is owned and maintained by the PGO. The PGO is responsible for maintaining UQ's central database of relevant and reliable information for all project proposals, business cases, projects, programs and oversight of the overall UQ-wide project portfolio. 

Please visit the PGO's ProTRAC page to access the full suite of training guides and resources.

Online Resources

LinkedIn Learning online courses

LinkedIn Learning (formerly known as is one of the largest and most popular software and skills training websites and is free for UQ staff.

For further information about accessing LinkedIn Learning, please visit the UQ Library website.


MOOC platforms

A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course freely available to anyone who wants to participate. MOOCs usually:

  • are free
  • have very large class sizes
  • vary in length
  • vary in workload and time commitment

Many, including edX, offer verified certificates on completion for a small fee.

  • edX - Offers high-quality courses from the world's best universities and institutions, including the University of Queensland.

For further information about open educational resources, please visit the UQ Library website.