The Critical Incident Management Plan (CIMP)* exists to guide the Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) in anticipating, responding to, recovering, and learning from critical incidents that may negatively impact UQ. The CIMT is activated and CIMP applied whenever a natural or induced incident affecting the University reaches a severity that cannot be managed by established measures, plans and procedures.
The CIMP provides the framework, structures, responsibilities and processes to coordinate and unify people, resource and efforts in response to a Critical Incident to:
- Protect and preserve life, health and wellbeing;
- Minimise loss, damage or disruption to UQ’s facilities, resources and operations; and
- Manage immediate and ongoing communication and information to stakeholders during and after a Critical Incident.
The CIMP is made up of the following component parts:
CIMP Part 1 - Procedures (PDF, 684.5 KB): The Procedures are a series of response checklists that the Critical Incident Management Team (CIMT) members should use for guidance during a Critical Incident.
The Procedures refer to a suite of forms and checklists to capture / record incident information which are available as attachments:
CIMP Part 2 – Framework (PDF, 1 MB): The Framework is the overarching document that establishes the purpose, structures and key roles and responsibilities associated with Critical Incident management.
*Confidentiality – CIMP is a confidential internal document and should not be disclosed to external entities without the consent of the Director, Governance and Risk.
If you have any questions regarding the CIMP, please email