Enterprise Risk Services promotes a risk aware culture at UQ where everyone considers risks in their daily decision making to achieve their objectives. Enterprise Risk Services provides best practice risk leadership and consistency in approach via the Enterprise Risk Management Framework which includes the Senate’s risk appetite statement, training, practical advice, tools and risk workshop facilitation.
We support you to be successful in achieving your objectives!
Enterprise risk governance framework
Objective of the new Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERMF)
Risk management is to be an integral part of management thinking, discussions and decision making and help management to find the right balance of risk versus reward.
Risk Appetite Statement
The ERMF includes Risk Appetite Statement (RAS) that consists of statements that articulate the nature and level of risk that the University is prepared to take in pursuit of its strategic objectives.
The ERMF is a Senate approved Policy and applies UQ wide, including its controlled entities.
Who is responsible for implementing effective risk management?
Risk Management is all about gaining confidence in achieving objectives; if you are accountable for achieving specific objectives you are accountable for managing the risks related to achieving those objectives.
Where can I find the Enterprise Risk Management Framework?
This course aims to develop participants understanding of various aspects of Risk, Compliance and Governance including;
Enterprise Risk Management; what is it, why we do it and how to do it - including the practical aspects of Enterprise Risk Management; tools and techniques to identify, assess, manage and monitor risk.
Insurance; what role does insurance play in risk management, what coverage does UQ have, what do the insurance companies expect from UQ risk management, when to engage the Insurance Services team
Compliance Management; what is enterprise compliance, what you need to be aware of and how you demonstrate compliance to ensure obligations are met
Governance; what is governance and why it is important; what are delegations, why do we have delegations and how does it impact the decisions that you can make
Business Resilience
This course aims to develop participants understanding of various aspects of business resilience including;
Business continuity planning including business impact assessments, identification of critical functions and acceptable recovery time
Understand the difference between continuity planning, incident management and crisis management
Preparation of a business continuity management plan