Delegations and sub-delegations at UQ document which staff members can make certain types of decisions, such as spending money, signing contracts, and appointing new staff.
The Senate has powers and functions under the UQ Act, which can be delegated through documented, legally effective delegations to the Vice-Chancellor. Some of those delegated powers and functions have been sub-delegated from the Vice-Chancellor to staff members in particular roles.
The Vice-Chancellor can also delegate some powers and functions granted to the role under the UQ Act.
Find lists of delegations and sub-delegations
Relevant schedules of delegation and sub-delegation are available for staff to access. These are the lists of the delegated and sub-delegated powers that form part of the legal instruments of delegation.
Find the lists of Delegations and Sub-delegations (staff login required)
The delegations and sub-delegations available online include:
- Academic powers - teaching and learning
- Approval of operational policies
- Conferral of awards
- Contract powers
- Financial powers
- Human Resources powers
- Responsible conduct of research
- Scholarship and prize rules
- University tuition and administrative fees
- Work experience arrangements
Policies and procedures
The following policies and procedures provide a structure of decision-making, accountability and the exercise of delegated powers at UQ:
Enterprise Governance