University elections
Current Elections
There are no elections currently being conducted.
Recently Completed Elections - Election Results
Academic Board - Members
Professorial staff members for the term 2025 - 2027:
- Professor Thelma Parker
- Associate Professor Rachel Fitzgerald
- Associate Professor Sonia Roitman
- Professor Joanne Blanchfield
- Professor Paul Henman
- Professor Massimo Hilliard
- Associate Professor Marloes Nitert Dekker
Non-professorial academic staff members for the term 2025 - 2027:
- Dr Annari de Waal
- Dr Caroline Knight
- Dr Kenan Kalayci
- Dr Birgitta Ebert
- Dr Itia Favre-Bull
- Dr Leah Henrickson
Student Members for the term 2025
Undergraduate students:
- Sophy Barlow
- Siddesh Karekal
- Joshua Ryu
Postgraduate research student:
- Nick Yao
Postgraduate coursework student:
- Melika Mirbod
Academic Board - Deputy President
Voting for the Deputy President of the Academic Board closed on 4 September 2024.
Professor Bronwyn Lea has been elected Deputy President for a 2-year term commencing January 2025.
Academic Board – President
The UQ Senate has formally endorsed the appointment of Professor Lydia Kavanagh as the next President of the Academic Board. Professor Kavanagh has been appointed President for a 2-year term, commencing in January 2025
About the Academic Board
The Academic Board is the University’s senior academic advisory body and is established under the University of Queensland Act 1998. The Board advises UQ Senate and the Vice-Chancellor on all matters relating to, and affecting, the University’s teaching, research and educational programs.
Membership of the Academic Board is an important commitment with responsibilities and obligations. Members of Academic Board are expected to:
Be familiar with the role, purpose and functions of the Academic Board outlined in the Academic Board Policy.
Read agenda papers before each meeting and identify items that warrant discussion and debate.
Attend all meetings or, where attendance is not possible, submit an apology.
Contribute to discussion in accordance with the Standing Orders of the Board.
Canvass feedback from the member’s constituency and report committee decisions back to those constituents.
About Senate
The University of Queensland (UQ) Senate is established and governed under the University of Queensland Act 1998 (Qld). It has broad powers to act for and on behalf of the university and, as the governing body, is implicitly accountable for the university’s performance.
The UQ Senate consists of three official members (Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, President of the Academic Board), eight appointed members, eight elected members and three additional members. The role of the Senate is to demonstrate leadership and exercise oversight of the University and its affairs. In particular, the Senate ensures that the appropriate structures, policies, processes and planning are in place for the University to effectively manage its activities and achieve its goals.
For further information regarding senate membership please contact at the Senate Secretary (
Conduct of elections
University elections
The University conducts elections for members of Senate and the Academic Board, including:
- the eight (8) elected members of Senate; and
- elected members of the Academic Board.
Elections for members of Senate and the Academic Board are conducted in accordance with the Senate and Academic Board Elections Policy. This Policy sets out the framework for the conduct of these elections and to ensure the integrity and security of the election processes.
Senate elections are held every four years (with the exception of our student representatives, which are held every two years). Academic Board elections are conducted each year and are held as vacancies arise.
Randomisation of the order candidates appear on the ballot paper
Under the Senate and Academic Board Elections Policy, the order candidates appear in the electric voting system is randomised using the method 'Robson Rotation'. Robson rotation means the Placards are rotated upwards by one position for each new person who visits the Poll provided that person is signed in and a member of the Electorate. The order is remembered for each user and appears constant for each person – which means for example in an election each person sees the ballot the same way regardless of how many times they visit the online Poll. The first person to visit will see the Placards in the default order. The rotation counter is not invoked unless the user is both signed in and an Electorate member.
Voting system
Optional preferential voting is the system used to elect members to the University Senate. Part L of the Policy prescribes the process for counting votes in Senate elections.
General enquiries
University Elections
Academic Board enquiries
Assistant Secretary, Academic Board
Senate enquiries
Senate Secretary