ProTRAC is UQ's Project Portfolio Management System and is owned and maintained by the PGO.

Please visit our ProTRAC guidance page for more information on access, training and support.

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Monthly Reporting Requirements

In line with the PGO Finance Reporting Cycle, all reporting updates must be completed by the 10th working day* of the month. These updates include -

  • Status Update
  • Financial Update (including forecasting)
  • Schedule Update

The Project Governance Office and your PMO/Portfolio Manager (if applicable) will advise of upcoming deadlines.

Reporting MonthDeadline (Snapshot Date)
December*22 January 2024
January14 February 2024
February14 March 2024
March15 April 2024
April15 May 2024
May14 June 2024

12 July 2024 for P&F

15 July 2024 for ITS

July12 August 2024
August13 September 2024
September15 October 2024
October11 November 2024
November13 December 2024

*Reporting deadline may sometimes differ from 10th working day as a result of public holidays and/or internal University processing times.

The information entered into these records forms the reports available in the Digital Project Reporting Dashboard.

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Digital Project Reporting Dashboard

The PGO has developed a Digital Project Reporting Dashboard to provide visibility of UQ's Project Portfolio within the scope of the PGMF. Please contact the PGO for any reporting requests.

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Project Performance Monitoring Criteria and Tolerances

The Project Performance Monitoring Criteria and Tolerances matrix defines project tolerance thresholds and performance indicators for use in completing status reporting and determining project health.

Access the Project Performance Monitoring Criteria and Tolerances (PDF, 125KB) (UQ staff login required). 

An editable version for Steering Committee use is available on the PGO Forms and Templates page.

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