Disclosure Log

Disclosure Log

Documents released to applicants under the Right to Information Act 2009 are progressively published via our Disclosure Log, which provides a summary of the information released and provides a mechanism for access to the information.  Where pages are blank as a result of decision-making processes, these pages are not included in the disclosure log.

These documents are currently only available in PDF format (except audio and video files, where applicable). If you have any questions, or should you be unable to read this format, please contact the Right to Information and Privacy Office. We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, free of charge.

Date of decision on application / Reference No. / No. of pages releasedDocuments/information requested

How to access

18 November 2024
(Ref 24/25-8)

9 pages

Dr. Colin Clark's application for the position of UQ's Vice-Chancellor in 1959.Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

3 July 2024
(Ref 23/24-28)

151 pages

Animal Ethics Committee annual reports and independent external review reports for 2022 and 2023 related to UQ’s use and breeding of animals for scientific purposes.Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

24 June 2024
(Ref 23/24-27)

1 "page" (video file)

CCTV footage of motor vehicle incident in carpark P11 basement floor, St Lucia campus, on 20 March 2024 between 12.25pm and 6.15pm.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

13 April 2023
(Ref 22/23-30)

117 pages

  1. The agreement between Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) and The University of Queensland for its research partnership announced in 2016 [www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2016/06/new-research-partnership-boost-northern-cattle-industry], and any subsequent revisions, updates, extensions or new agreements.; and
  2. Email communications between UQ and MLA since 1 January 2016 that mention the Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics (CAWE).
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

11 January 2023
(Ref 22/23-17)

5 pages

All documents pertaining to:

The recruitment process for the Full-Time Continuing, Academic Level B, Teaching and Research position (position number 3035939) advertised in February 2017.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

11 October 2022
(Ref 22/23-1)

6 pages

All documents related to:

The planning, design, testing, engagement and consultation process for the development of a geothermal power plant at Winton.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

27 June 2022
(Ref 21/22-32)

20 pages

Survey template and aggregate results from the University's 2021 Pulse Survey.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

27 June 2022
(Ref 21/22-31)

100 pages

Survey templates and aggregate results from the University's 2011, 2015 and 2019 Voice Surveys.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

Note:  Access to the documents is only available upon payment of the processing charges (pursuant to section 78A(4) of the RTI Act).  Access to the documents is by inspection-only.

22 March 2022
(Ref 21/22-9)

24 pages

  1. Policy documents, practice guidelines, decision-making guidelines, reports, briefs; memos, emails, letters and other correspondence, notes, minutes, action plans or any other document pertaining to Facilitated Communication (FC), including those related to a review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Facilitated Communication Policy initiated by the Department of Communities in 2011; and
  2. Any correspondence addressing Facilitated Communication (FC) sent to or from the Chair/Director of the Centre of Excellence for Behaviour Support (and later iterations).


  • documents originating from or sent to a Departmental email address;
  • journal articles sent as email attachments; and
  • information regarding the verification of individual FC cases.
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

25 February 2022
(Ref: 21/22-30)

189 "pages" (including 19 video files)

Copy of:

Online staff training module entitled "UQ Appropriate Workplace Behaviour", including any audio/visual material.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

Note:  Access to the audio/visual material is by inspection-only.

2 February 2022
(Ref: 21/22-29)

2 "pages" (video files)

CCTV footage covering the UQ Aquatic Centre Carpark on 25 November 2021 between 8:45am and 10:00am.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

13 October 2021
(Ref: 21/22-4)

333 pages

  • Certificate/s of Currency showing UQ's public liability coverage for the 2020/2021 financial year; and
  • Any publicly-advertised EOI for a contract including ongoing electrical maintenance works at UQ, and any documents which reflect a change in scope for the contract from what was originally advertised (time period 01/01/2017 through 30/06/2019).
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

16 June 2021
(Ref: 20/21-56)

24 pages

  • Documents related to the examiner’s meeting for PHYS1171 Semester 2 2020;
  • Emails and attachments related to the moderation of grades for PHYS1171 Semester 2 2020 (excluding results spreadsheets);
  • Documents related to the amendment and approval of the course profile for PHYS1171 Semester 2 2020.
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

11 June 2021
(Ref: 20/21-36)

396 pages

Documents relating to:

Sexual assaults or sexual harassment for the period 1 January 2019 to 1 February 2021, as held in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor and UQ Security (including reports, statistics, internal correspondence and AV material).

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

23 December 2020
(Ref: 20/21-26)

3 pages

Copy of:

  1. The Executive Summary from the University’s Animal Ethics Committee Annual Report 2019; and
  2. The Executive Summary of the independent external review report attached to the University’s Animal Ethics Committee Annual Report 2019.
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

28 May 2020
(Ref: 19/20-39)

127 pages

Documents relating to:

The testing of the fire performance of a polyester acoustic material called "Green Stuf", from 12 July 2016 to 31 January 2017.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

18 February 2020
(Ref: 19/20-13)

4 pages

Correspondence between the Chinese government, Chinese consulate in Brisbane or the Chinese Communist Party (excluding Hanban / Confucius Institute Headquarters) and the Office of the Vice-Chancellor of UQ, between 23 August 2018 and 23 August 2019.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

18 October 2019
(Ref: 19/20-1)

90 pages

Copy of –

Gift Lifecycle Review report, as per QTenders reference number UQ1807.
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

10 October 2019
(Ref: 19/20-4)

3 pages

Documents from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor relating to:

  1. Personal loans from the University;
  2. Payments to the Vice-Chancellor outside of University salary; and
  3. Gifts accepted;

from 1 July 2018 onwards.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

28 June 2019
(Ref: 18/19-38)

19 pages

Documents relating to:

  1. Summary reports or other documents summarising reported cases of sexual assaults on campus from 1 January 2017 (as accompanied by AV material);
  2. Summary reports or other documents summarising the ten most recent reported cases of sexual assaults on campus that are not accompanied by AV material.
Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

10 January 2019
(Ref: 18/19-26)

1 "page" (video file)

CCTV footage of motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Sir Fred Schonell Drive and Coldridge Street, St Lucia, on 8 December 2018.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

7 November 2018
(Ref: 18/19-20)

5 pages

Incident report in relation to a motor vehicle incident involving a bicycle at the intersection of Herston Road and the entry to the University of Queensland Dental school entry, Herston.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

9 December 2016
(Ref: 2016/35)

1 page

Document relating to:

The selection committee of the recently-conducted recruitment at the University.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

21 September 2016
(Ref: 2016/19)

77 pages

Documents relating to:

The summary reports (or other documents) that summarised each of the 20 most recent reported cases of sexual assaults on campus.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

30 June 2016
(Ref: 2016/9

50 pages

Funding provided to the University of Queensland by commercial pet food companiesAccess to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

9 February 2016
(Ref: 2016/2)

16 pages

Any reports issued during 2015 on the performance of the University of Queensland's investment portfolioAccess to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

2 April 2015
(Ref: 2015/4)

110 pages

Copy of:

Minutes from various Academic Board meetings and its committees between 2008 and 2013

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

16 July 2013
(Ref: 2013/14)

261 pages

Copy of:

Various emails to and from the Chief Operating Officer regarding CMC, investigation, nepotism or admissions irregularity

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

24 May 2013
(Ref: 2013/10)

389 pages

Copy of:

Various student discipline and misconduct files

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

15 May 2013
(Ref: 2013/11)

377 pages

Copy of:

Various emails to and from the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (past and present)regarding CMC, investigation, nepotism or admissions irregularity

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

23 July 2012
(Ref: 2012/18)

35 pages

Copy of :

(a)  the paper for a reorganisation of student support services 24 November 2006

(b) current position descriptions for Counsellors, Learning Advisors and Career Counsellors

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

20 April 2012
(Ref: 2012/8)

14 pages

Copy of:

(a)  the NHMRC publication titled "National Health and Medical Research Council measures for the partial prevention of dental caries"

(b) the paper titled "Report on fluoridation, Brisbane, The University of Queensland, Faculty of Dentistry, 1953."

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

12 March 2012
(Ref: 2011/56)

254 pages

Copy of:

(a)  Minutes of Senate meetings from December 1, 2010 to 9 December 2011

(b)  Any Senate documents, referred letters, reports, regarding complaints by students or staff and details of actions taken

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

2 March 2012
(Ref: 2011/59)

277 pages

Documents relating to:

(a)  The Constitution of the UQ Union as of January 1st, 2007

(b)  All subsequent versions of the Union's Constitutuion

(c)  The full budget of the UQ Union for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

28 October 2010
(Ref: 2010/44)

14 pages

Documents relating to:

(a)  Research projects on water dragons at the St Lucia campus, lakes area, from 30/6/05 including prospective projects (awaiting approval); and

(b) Water dragon numbers during the period, including ecological management strategies used to maintain/reduce/increase dragon numbers.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

30 July 2010
(Ref: 2010/31)

12 pages

All documents relating to:

(a) The classification process for University staff at HEW Level 10 postion;

(b) General staff positions (name of position only, not staff member's name) within UQ that are classified at Senior Administrative Appointment Level or HEW Level 10 and what Grade or Band within those positions.

Access to the released documents may be obtained by emailing your request to rtip@uq.edu.au (please quote the relevant reference number).

If you cannot find the information to which you are seeking access, please refer to the University's Publication Scheme in the first instance and/or check if the information is available via administrative access.  If you still cannot find the information, you may make a formal application for access under the RTI Act or the IP Act.

For any questions regarding the University's Disclosure Log, please contact our Right to Information and Privacy Office.

Right to Information & Privacy Office

For RTI & Privacy enquiries, please contact:

Justin Rofe
RTI & Privacy Manager
Ph:        +61 7 3443 1148
Email:   rtip@uq.edu.au